If it becomes necessary for your child to be transported to a different location after school, please send in a note with the name and address of the drop off location, date, child's full name, teacher's name and include parent/guardian signature. Bus passes are issued for daycare purposes only. We do not accept bus changes over the telephone. If you need to change your child's drop off location during the day, please stop in the main office with a written note or email [email protected] or email Deb Perine at [email protected]. It is always good to follow up with a phone call to be sure we received your email.
In the event of an emergency closing/snow day, announcements will be made over radio stations WTKO/Q104, WKRT, WPCX, WCII, WXHC, and WSKG and television stations CNYCentral (ch. 3 and 5), Spectrum News (ch. 10), TV12WBNG and WSYR Ch. 9. In case of an early dismissal due to an emergency closing, please discuss with your child what he/she should do if transported to home/daycare and no one is there.
Visitors to Cassavant Elementary will have an extra security step to follow before entering the building. As you approach the main entrance, you will notice a doorbell mounted on the brick wall to your left. You will need to push the button to alert staff to your presence. Staff can observe visitors with a small video camera and also speak to visitors outside via an audio system. You will then be buzzed in and follow our normal procedures for signing in and picking up a visitor badge. For the safety of our children, all visitors to the school building must sign in at the main office and get a visitor's badge. If you have an appointment with a teacher, if you are volunteering in a classroom, or if you need to be in school for any other reason, please report to the main office upon your arrival. Please bring identification.
The Dryden Central School District issues formal student evaluations three times per year. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled toward the end of November. Additional conferences can be arranged as needed. Parents are encouraged to keep open lines of communication with the school staff.
Cassavant Elementary school has an active Parent Teacher Organization. We strongly encourage you to participate. It is a great way to show your support to your child and the school. Meetings are held monthly - more details to follow throughout the school year. Meetings will begin at 6:30pm.
Recess is scheduled each day for 30 minutes during your child’s lunch hour. Weather conditions are carefully observed. We have a field, basketball hoops, a creative playground and a blacktop area behind our building.It is essential that all children come to school prepared to go outside for recess. This should include appropriate outerwear and footwear that can be removed upon re-entering the building. Children will be permitted to remain in the building only if there is a medical reason that is supported by a doctor’s request. Your cooperation is appreciated!
Twelve fire drills are held throughout the school year. Children practice an orderly evacuation of the building. Other drills such as evacuation and lockdown drills are practiced as needed.
The school runs on a four-day cycle. School days are numbered one through four on the lunch menu to help parents know when their children are scheduled for art, music, physical education, etc. classes. In the event of an emergency closing, the number day missed will be the next day of school. Consequently, your menu calendar will need to be adjusted for the remainder of the month.
In order to ensure student safety, the building principal maintains a list of individuals who are authorized to obtain the release of students in attendance at the school. No students may be released to the custody of any individual who is not the parent or guardian of the student, unless the individual has been designated in writing by the parent. If the parent, or properly designated person picks up the child either at the end or during the school day, they are required to sign the student out after presenting satisfactory identification to office personnel.
Parents/guardians are encouraged and welcome to visit their child’s school. Visitors must first check in at the office before going to classrooms.
Volunteers must complete a registration form, yearly, and be approved by the building administrator. Once the building administrator has approved a volunteer they must be recommended to the Board of Education and approved by them. This process does take some time. It is in place for the safety of our students and school community. Completion of the registration process early in the year is recommended. Volunteers may register through the web at www.dcsdvolunteers.org or registration forms may be obtained in the school offices.